If you haven't updated your hair color/style/cut for some time, it might be worthwhile to think about doing so now. In your thirties, you may have started coloring your hair, choosing a shade close to your own, to cover those pesky grey hairs. If this shade was a dark brunette, or red, or even blonde, you may wish to now consider going a bit lighter. I'm not talking a drastic change here, ladies, merely a softer, more flattering shade, in your preferred color palette. Dark, one-tone hair color is just not flattering next to a mature complexion. No matter what shade you may choose, consider having your colorist highlight your hair, as well. Highlights add a soft, subtle, natural look to your hair color. If you do choose to lighten your hair color, I recommend having a professional do this for you. With a new, fresher hair color, you'll want a good cut/style as well. These are based largely on the size and shape of your face, and your stylist can give you good advice on choosing a look that's flattering to you. Remember, a mature woman can carry a longer hair length, as long as it's cut in a flattering style.
Opt Out of the  'Helmet-Head' Look!
Ladies, no where is it written that a mature woman can't have lovely, soft hair, that moves! So often, when in the salon, I see mature women having their hair done in those tight, perfectly set, hairstyles, that are so aging in appearance. To complete the outdated look, they want their hair' sprayed' in place, until it resembles a helmet. Although the younger set is 'gluing' their hair into many different styles, we mature women need remember, soft, moving hair is, for us, much more attractive.
Flattering Cut for Longer Hair
Also, how women got the idea that after a certain age, they should have their hair cut drastically short is beyond me! Yes I've heard the old tale that 'a shorter hair style will 'lift' a woman's appearance'.  Not true. Those severely short styles usually do nothing more than 'harden' a woman's appearance.  Haircuts should be done with the size and shape of your face as guidelines, not your age!
 Longer hair will look fantastic with a layered cut. You might consider bangs, cut in a longer length, to emphasize your eyes, or, to wear swept softly to the side. The layering will also give boost to the hair, and help it hold a set. Remember, if you opt for a longer hair, you will need to have it trimmed more frequently. A mature woman's hair is apt to be drier, coaser, and the ends must be kept trimmed, in order to avoid frizzy, dead-ends.
Everday Tips
Use good, mositure-rich shampoos and conditioners. Just as our complexions become drier, so does our hair. If your hair is coarse, or overly dry, try a shampoo/conditioner combo, followed by your favorite conditioner! Amazing results!  If you color your hair, try products especially formulated to keep the color from fading. Try to limit your use of 'heated' hair styling appliances. When using these, it's a good idea to as well make use of a 'heat activated' styling product. These products seem to aid in protecting your hair from heat damage. Ladies, to fight the frizzies, and to keep your hair from over-drying, try shampooing only twice a week.
Face Shapes Explained, and Examples of Hair Cuts/Styles
Short haircuts are those above the jawline. A long style is any cut below the shoulders, and a medium style is any cut in between.
Choose a cut/style, based on your face shape.
Oval Face Shape-considered to be the ideal face shape. Nearly every cut will look good. The length of the hair equals one and a half times the width of the hair.
Round Face Shape-wide face, round hairline and chin line. Hair cut below th echin line should be worn with a center part, to lengthen and slim the face.
Heart Shape Face-distinguised by a a narrow jawline. Soft curly styles are recommended for this face shape.
Square Face Shape-wide face, angular jaw, and straight hairline. Choose a hairstyle to soften the squared forehead.
Pear, Triangular Shape Face-narrow forehead, wide chin. Choose a style-cut to help widen the forehead, and narrow the chin, to balance the face.
Oblong Face-slender, long, almost the same, width-wise, as just below the cheekbones and forehead. Choose a cut/style to add fullness/width around eyes, cheekbones, ears, and sides of the face.
Hairstyle Choices

The above examples are but  a few of the styles I believe a mature woman can wear. There is a softness about them, a sense of movement, that is so attractive. As for the long styles, pictured in the bottom row, the above are good examples of layered cuts, for longer hair. Also, these styles, done at the medium hair length, would be marvelous! Note as well, Ladies, the use of highlighting in most of the styles pictured.

 In Touch With Jeannine-TIPS

In Touch With Jeannine
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